Vacuum drying equipment
  • vacuum drying
    vacuum drying
    Capacitor vacuum drying and oil filling equipment
    Product introduction: The capacitor vacuum drying oil filling equipment is a kind of equipment used in the manufacture of capacitors, which can inject oil into the interior of the capacitor and carry out vacuum drying treatment to ensure that the capacitor has good insulation performance and stability.This equipment usually includes the following several parts:Oil filling system: Used to inject oil into the capacitor.Vacuum system: Used to maintain the vacuum state inside the container during the oil filling process to ensure the uniformity and completeness of the oil material injection.Drying system: Used to carry out drying treatment on the capacitor after oil filling to remove the moisture and gas therein and improve its insulation performance.Control system: Used to control the operation of the entire equipment, including the setting and control of parameters such as the amount of oil filled, vacuum degree, and drying time.
ملتزمون بالبحث والتطوير والتصنيع والمبيعات لأدوات الاختبار المعملية وأنظمة اختبار خط الإنتاج
الحصول على أسعار مجاني

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