Vacuum water quenching furnace
  • water quenching
    water quenching
    Vacuum water quenching furnace
    The vacuum water quenching furnace is a kind of equipment that carries out the water quenching treatment in a vacuum environment. It combines the advantages of vacuum technology and water quenching process and has the following characteristics: It can effectively reduce the oxidation and pollution of the material in the quenching process, and improve the purity and quality of the material; achieve precise temperature control to ensure the stability and consistency of the quenching process; have a wide range of applications and can be used for the treatment of a variety of materials. In practical applications, the vacuum water quenching furnace is commonly used in the heat treatment of metal materials, which helps to obtain the desired structure and properties, and enhance the strength and toughness of the material.
ملتزمون بالبحث والتطوير والتصنيع والمبيعات لأدوات الاختبار المعملية وأنظمة اختبار خط الإنتاج
الحصول على أسعار مجاني

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